Friday, October 14, 2011

Mermaid's Horatio and Such

I am fired. So unbelievably fired. My only excuse for not having written since my last post is that I'm just tired and worn out and there are things I want to talk about but cannot in a public forum. One day, promise, but for now, things are better left unsaid.

So, what have I been up to? Well, The Cherry Orchard is over and done with and I'm trying to get CTC's The Little Mermaid ready to open on Monday. OMG, on Monday. And then I have a week to do all the stuff for CTC's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow... oy vey. Things for Mermaid have been going well. I carved a statue for the show. Yes, see the pictures below of Horatio in progress:

Step One, Draw him out on pink foam.
Step two, Cut out his basic form.
Step Three, Start to carve on the Z-axis... and freak out a bit.
Step Five, Continue to carve and question what you're doing.
Step, um, nine? Chisel his face with a hot knife and make him look weird... Are those Mick Jager's lips?

Look! He's done! And still slightly pink. But you can see how he turned out. :) These two lovely friends of his are Brendan North as the Prince and Sarah Thermond as The Little Mermaid.

Here is a picture of part of the set:

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the show. The crunch of time and energy has been trying, but that's what theatre is all about. And, damn, designing for a touring show is hard. :( But I suppose I will get the hang of it. I hope so, because otherwise the rest of the season at CTC is going to feel like a constant up hill battle. And, for reasons best unsaid, I'm very done with uphill battles in theatre.

I just want to work in this business I love, creating amazing art in a collaborative way, and with people that are generous and awesome. Sure, things go wrong; we're only human. But let's not stab each other in the back. Okay? Thanks. More blog updates soon. Maybe even something of substance... I'm working on it. ;)

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